a few important things: files must be uncompressed aiff or wav files. they can be mono or stereo, however because of some funkyness in SC's buffer allocation only one chanel of the stereo file is used at this time. fix comming later....
you'll need to be using the latest build of SC. you can grab that here:
you'll also need to install the conductor quark. see Quarks help file for more on this (highlight quarks and press command+d.)
please select all of this window text and run it with the localhost server on. in the window called samples click the load samples button and select as many files as you wish. the server will probably go offline for a while as the samples are loaded into buffers, but when it has gone from "inactive" to "running" you are good to go. then select from the "select buffer" window which file you would like to granulate. choose an envelope type, then click the granular resynthesis button on the bottom window. you should hear something, but if not, bring the volume (DB) slider up until you do.
the files in the select buffer window are hot swapable while playing, and the position in the file will be transfered as well. however i do not reccomend loading new samples while resynthesising.
enjoy, and please direct any questions to Sixtycycles@gmail.com
//now in stereo sounds!
var load,samples,sbs,bufnmb,bufnmbarry;
//buffer chooser/filenames
samples = SCWindow.new("Select Buffer",Rect(800, 460, 200, 60)).front;
f = SCPopUpMenu(samples,Rect(10,10,180,20));
//load dialog
w = SCWindow.new("Samples",Rect(900, 375, 200, 60),false).front;
load = SCButton(w, Rect(20, 10, 150, 20));
load.states = [["Load Samples", Color.red, Color.black]];
load.action = {
a = paths.collect {|dir| SoundFile.openRead(dir);};
b = a.collect { | sf |
Buffer.alloc(Server.default, sf.numFrames, sf.numChannels,
{| buf | buf.readMsg(sf.path)});
//get file size in secconds:
n = b.collect {|buffr| buffr.numFrames/buffr.sampleRate;};
paths.do{|i| i.postln; "".postln};
("Number of Buffers Allocated = "++(b.size.value;)).postln;
f.items = j = paths.collect {|i|
f.action = {|f|
bufnmbarry = Array.fill((j.size),{|i| i.value; });
bufnmb = bufnmbarry[f.value];
Pdef(\a).set(\bufnum, b.at(f.value));
("Now Playing Buffer containing "++j[bufnmb].value;)
//construct envelope chooser:
z = SCWindow.new("Envelope_Type",Rect(700,375,200,60),false).front;
l = ["sine","triangle","welch","linen","perc"];
sbs = SCPopUpMenu(z,Rect(10,10,180,20));
sbs.items = l;
sbs.action = {|sbs|
c = Conductor.make { |con, grainSize, spread, overlap, timeStretch, rate, loop, db|
var out;
out = 0;
grainSize .sp(0.005,0.0015,1,0,'exp');
spread .sp(0,0,1,0);
rate .sp(1,0.25,10);
overlap .sp(3,1,10);
timeStretch .sp(1,0.25,50,0,'exp');
loop .sp(0,0,1,1);
db .sp(-32,-90,-12,0,'exp');
//four synths for the envelope types:
SynthDef("sine", {
|out, bufnum = 0, rate = 1, startPos = 0, sustain = 1, loop = 1, amp = 1,lag = 1, pan = 0.0 |
var audio, env;
rate = rate * BufRateScale.kr(bufnum);
startPos = startPos * BufFrames.kr(bufnum);
audio = BufRd.ar(1, bufnum,
Phasor.ar(0, rate, Lag.kr(startPos,lag), BufFrames.ir(bufnum)), loop, 4);
env = EnvGen.ar(Env.sine, 1, timeScale: sustain,levelScale:amp, doneAction: 2);
SynthDef("triangle", {
|out, bufnum = 0, rate = 1, startPos = 0, sustain = 1,loop = 1, amp = 1 ,lag = 1,pan = 0.0|
var audio, env;
rate = rate * BufRateScale.kr(bufnum);
startPos = startPos * BufFrames.kr(bufnum);
audio = BufRd.ar(1, bufnum,
Phasor.ar(0, rate, Lag.kr(startPos,lag), BufFrames.ir(bufnum)), loop, 4);
env = EnvGen.ar(Env.triangle, 1, timeScale: sustain,levelScale:amp, doneAction: 2);
OffsetOut.ar(out, Pan2.ar(audio*env,pan));
SynthDef("welch", {
|out, bufnum = 0, rate = 1, startPos = 0, sustain = 1,loop = 1, amp = 1 ,lag = 1, pan = 0.0|
var audio, env;
rate = rate * BufRateScale.kr(bufnum);
startPos = startPos * BufFrames.kr(bufnum);
audio = BufRd.ar(1, bufnum,
Phasor.ar(0, rate, Lag.kr(startPos,lag), BufFrames.ir(bufnum)), loop, 4);
env = EnvGen.ar(Env.linen(0.4,0.1,0.5,1,'welch'), 1, timeScale: sustain, levelScale:amp,doneAction: 2);
OffsetOut.ar(out, Pan2.ar(audio*env,pan));
SynthDef("linen", {
|out, bufnum = 0, rate = 1, startPos = 0, sustain = 1, loop = 1, amp = 1 ,lag = 1,pan = 0.0|
var audio, env;
rate = rate * BufRateScale.kr(bufnum);
startPos = startPos * BufFrames.kr(bufnum);
audio = BufRd.ar(1, bufnum,
Phasor.ar(0, rate, Lag.kr(startPos,lag), BufFrames.ir(bufnum)), loop, 4);
env = EnvGen.ar(Env.linen, 1, timeScale: sustain,levelScale:amp, doneAction: 2);
OffsetOut.ar(out, Pan2.ar(audio*env,pan));
SynthDef("perc", {
|out, bufnum = 0, rate = 1, startPos = 0, sustain = 1, loop = 1, amp = 1 ,lag = 1,pan = 0.0|
var audio, env;
rate = rate * BufRateScale.kr(bufnum);
startPos = startPos * BufFrames.kr(bufnum);
audio = BufRd.ar(2, bufnum,
Phasor.ar(0, rate, Lag.kr(startPos,lag), BufFrames.ir(bufnum)), loop, 4);
env = EnvGen.ar(Env.perc, 1, timeScale: sustain, levelScale:amp, doneAction: 2);
OffsetOut.ar(out, Pan2.ar(audio*env,pan));
dur: Pfunc({var grn,sprd;
grn = grainSize.value;
sprd =spread.value.rand2;
(grn+(sprd*grn)).value; }
legato: overlap,
rate: rate,
startPos: Pn(
y = bufnmb.value;
t = (n[y]*timeStretch)/10000;
loop: loop,
db: db,
out: out
con.name_("Granular Re-Synthesis");
c.show("granular re-synthesis by 60hz",300,10,200,345);
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1 comment:
ok wait, i should actually test these things before i post them. it seems that in SC3.3 flow view is fucking my shit up hardcore.
i think if you tweek the parameters of the main window size you might actually be able to see the full range of the sliders.
i should also probably rewrite this using non sc specific display classes. the penalty for writing while drinking bourbon......
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